1:10 Marvel The Infinity Saga Black Panther Deluxe Iron Studios 910233
Honoring the tradition and principles of his homeland, Wakanda, a fictional country isolated from the world located in Africa, the majestic warrior prepared his entire life to occupy his father's place. With his arms crossed, in a symbolic ancestral gesture, he opens his hands, exposing his retractable silver claws, claiming the immortality of his nation. On a detailed base that replicates, in miniature, its palace, with the iconic totem statue, the symbol of the panther, adorned with themed silver details, and its crest on the front, Sideshow and Iron Studios proudly present the Black Panther Deluxe Statue from The Infinity Saga in Art Scale 1:10.
Played by the late Chadwick Boseman in the MCU, after his father, King T'Chaka, was assassinated, he took over as ruler of his nation and became an ally of the Avengers heroes.
Don't miss your chance to add Black Panther to your Avengers collection!