1:18 Acid Rain Chief Koren & Doeg Toynami FAV-A54
Chief Koren
Time-tested by decades of grueling hardship, Chief Koren guides his fellow Sahai tribesmen with a firm but gentle hand. As one of the first Soil Ghost mutants, he bears haunting memories of the early anti-mutant purges. Koren's ferocity mellowed with age, and today the battle-seasoned rebel is a diplomatic elder who prepares for the worst but preaches for peace.
Doeg is a remarkable navigator who never fails to find untapped resources. Though a heartthrob among the Soil Ghost maidens, he prefers the company of animals over other tribesmen - casting a spell over wildlife with his sweet harmonica. The only thing Doeg excels more at than music is hunting - claiming the Horn of the Ancient during an inter-tribal ritual contest.
Includes: Chief Koren x1, Doeg x1, Modified Sniper Rifle x1, Modified Crossbow x1, Homemade Grenade x1, Homemade Bayonet x1, Hunting Knife x1, Back Quiver x1