1/6 Scale Jones The Girlfriend Young Rich Toys YR010

1/6 Scale Jones The Girlfriend Young Rich Toys YR010

Product Includes:
• Calm head sculpture x1 (with earrings)
• Special height female body x1
• Hand shape x4 pairs
• Black canvas shoes x1 pair
• Black leather boots x1 pair
• Short-sleeved T-shirt x1
• Yellow suit x1
• Denim skirt x1
• Shirt x1
• Gray vest x1
• Long-sleeved T-shirt x1
• Jeans x1
• Belt x1
• Socks x1 pair
• School bag x1
• Medal x1
• Mobile phone x1
• Langya hammer x1 pair
• Necklace x1
• Book x1

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SKU: 1/6 Scale Jones The Girlfriend Young Rich Toys YR010-122728
1/6 Scale Jones The Girlfriend Young Rich Toys YR010
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