1/6 Scale Spider-Man Homecoming MMS425 Hot Toys 903063
Making a debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the young Spider-Man Peter Parker, portrayed by Tom Holland, first appeared in Captain America: Civil War. Followed by a series of incidents after fighting with the Avengers, he’s fascinated with life as a superhero.
Sideshow and Hot Toys are thrilled to announce the sixth scale Spider-Man collectible figure based on the suit designed by Tony Stark in the highly anticipated blockbuster - Spider-Man: Homecoming!
The latest Spider-Man collectible figure is crafted in movie accurate quality that features a newly developed masked head sculpt with four pairs of interchangeable eyepieces to create numerous Spider-Man’s expressions. The figure also includes another interchangeable head sculpt featuring the likeness of Tom Holland, a newly developed body, and Spider-Man suit in meticulous tailoring and great detail, a pair of magnetically attachable web-wings, a variety of spider-web shooting effect parts and accessories as well as a dynamic figure stand.
This is sure to be a brilliant addition to your Spider-Man collection. Reward yourself by ordering it today!