All Star Comics Archives HC Hardcover book Volume 0 00 by DC Comics
Written by Gardner Fox, Jerry Siegel, Bill Finger,
Jon L. Blummer, Ken Fitch, John B. Wentworth, and various
Art by Sheldon Moldoff, Martin Nodell, Bernard Bailey, Creig Flessel, Chad Grothkopf, Jon L. Blummer, Everett Hibbard, William Smith and Stan Aschmeier
Cover by Howard Purcell
From the Golden Age of comics - a special volume collecting the early individual adventures of the members of the Justice Society of America from ALL STAR COMICS #1 and #2 at a special price!
While ALL STAR COMICS #3 was unquestionably one of comics' greatest milestones, issues #1 and #2 were also impressive in their own right. Virtually every founding member of the (yet-to-debut) original JSA lineup - minus Superman and Batman - was represented in these individual adventures, and most of the stories are written and drawn by their original creators. ALL STAR ARCHIVES Vol. 0 is the perfect preface to the 11-volume complete reprinting of every JSA adventure from the Golden Age.
Now the entire body of these "All Star" exploits is in print and available to all those who were there when they were published the first time around - or wish they had been.