Cessna Model 172 Skyhawk Modern 1/32 Scale Model KC172TR Toys & Models
"The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is a four-seat, single engine, high-wing airplane. In the late 1960s, Cessna re-engined its already highly successful 172 four seater with the four cylinder Lycoming O-320. These o-320 powered models were the most successful to bear the 172 model number (and the Skyhawk name for the Deluxe option), as they were in production during GA's golden years, the 1970s. Higher performance 172s include the R172 Hawk XP, Continental lO-360 and the 135kW Lycoming O-360 powered, retractable undercarriage 172RG Cutlass. The 172 was also produced under license by Reims in France as the F172 and FR172 The Cessna 172, considering its longevity and popularity, is the most successful mass produced light aircraft in history. The first production models were delivered in 1956 and they are still in production as of 2007; more than 43,000 have been built. The Cessna 172 started life as a tricycle landing gear upgrade from the taildragger Cessna 170 and the early 172 were similar in appearance to the 170, with the same straight aft fuselage and tall gear legs, although the 172 had a straight vertical tail while the 170 had a rounded fin and rudder. Cessna 172's first flight was on November 1955. It became an overnight sales success and over 1,400 were built in 1956. More Cessna 172s have been built than any other aircraft and probably, Cessna is the most popular flight training aircraft in the world"
Scale: 1/32 scale model
Wing Span: 13.5
Length: 10.13