Classic Uncle Scrooge Statue Volume 2 #2 Donald Duck "Square Egg"
One of our best-received Syroco-style statuette series ever has been of the characters from Carl Barks's Uncle Scrooge stories. We are going forward with a new series, based on specific cover images by Barks, and our second statue is inspired by one of the most famous stories, "Lost in the Andes," which originally appeared in Four Color Comics #223, published in April 1949. This is one of the best-loved stories in the entire Ducks canon. The Uncle Scrooge series depicts the characters as they were originally presented in the comics. Sculpted by Yoe! Studio. Limited to 950 numbered pieces Packaged in a full-color, litho-printed tin box, with a character booklet and a vintage-style pin-back button.