Dc Batman: The Animated Series Batman Jumbo Figures By Gentle Giant
In the fall of 1992, a new animated series debuted from Warner Bros. Animation on weekday afternoons. Batman: The Animated Series would go on to leave a lasting impact on one of DC’s most enduring franchises. Gentle Giant Ltd. celebrates this much loved television show with our Batman: The Animated Series Batman jumbo figure! Based on digital scans of the original 1993 Kenner 5” action figure, this jumbo figure stands 12” tall. Every detail is meticulously re-created from the original figure, capturing perfectly the design aesthetic and tone of the series embodied in Gotham Cities very own Dark Knight! To further capture the vintage feel, Gentle Giant has packaged Batman with a retro-inspired backer card featuring original photos and artwork. Designed with the collector in mind, each jumbo figure comes in a protective re-sealable plastic outer clamshell. Relive a part of Batman history and afternoon nostalgia with Gentle Giant’s Batman: The Animated Series jumbo figures.