Green Lantern: The Animated Series: Hal Jordan Maquette by DC Direct
Sculpted by Paul Harding
The power ring shines its emerald light across a darkened universe, a symbol of law and order wielded by intergalactic police officer HAL JORDAN.
Chosen by the ring for his ability to face fear head on, test pilot Hal Jordan possesses the strength of will to overcome even the most mind-numbing of terrors. Now, as an integral part of the GREEN LANTERN CORPS, he patrols the galaxy as the protector of Sector 2814, wielding emerald energy against evil – wherever it manifests.
Measuring approximately 12.3" high x 6.4" wide x 5.5" deep, this hand-painted, cold-cast porcelain statue is packaged in a 4-color box.
Limited Edition.