JLA Trophy Room Batman Modern Utility Belt Prop Replica by DC Direct
JLA TROPHY ROOM BATMAN MODERN UTILITY BELT REPLICA DC COMICS The latest addition to the JLA TROPHY ROOM is one of the most recognizable and important parts of Batman's costume - his modern utility belt! This prop replica of Batman's belt is made of faux-leather, includes eight pouches with real, working high-gloss gold snaps with Batman logo emblems and a real, working gold-plated metal buckle with a Batman logo emblem. In addition to a Certificate of Authenticity, a metal display shelf on which the belt can be mounted is included, along with mounting hardware. This mixed-media prop replica belt measures approximately 38" long, and the display shelf measures approximately 7.25" high x 22" wide x 5.25" deep. Limited Edition. * Batman's (Modern) Utility Belt is a prop replica ONLY and is not meant to be worn.