Marvel Universe Spider‐Man Webslinger Artfx Statue Kotobukiya
Soaring through the skies of New York, it’s your friendly neigh
borhood Spider‐Man! Now
available as a dynamic 1/6 scaled ARTFX Statue
The ARTFX series brings a variety of heroes to life at 1/6 scal
e (approx. 30cm) as high quality
statues for a reasonable price.
Next in the 1/6 scale series is a beloved hero: “Your Friendly
Neighborhood Spider‐Man!”
Represented in this action‐packed diorama‐type figure, this mod
ern‐age hero is currently
enjoying widespread popularity due to the recent release of “Sp
ider‐Man: Homecoming.”
Designed by craftsman Matsumoto Kouei, this ARTFX statue recrea
tes Spider‐Man’s iconic
move “web slinger,” displaying the hero’s muscular form as he m
oves swiftly through the city
on his web.
The statue is a new hybrid form, constructed using two differen
t materials. The New York
skyscraper stand is made using cold casting, which shows off th
e texture of the stonework.
The figure itself is made of PVC to show off the details of the
Straight from the panels of a comic book with the perfect balan
ce of weight and detail, get
your Spidey today!