Masters of the Universe Classics Flogg Evil Leader of the Space Mattel

Masters of the Universe Classics Flogg Evil Leader of the Space Mattel

Flogg™ Bio
Real Name: Brakk
Before Skeletor® passed though the Laser Gate and arrived in the Tri-Solar System, Flogg™ the Terrible was the commander of the Horde’s Denebrian Space Mutant goon squad. Directing operations either from his secret hideout in a Gorn Crater or from his camp city of Diobo in the Regula region of Denebria, Flogg™ launched raiding parties on the neighboring planet of Primus in the name of his Horde commanders. A vain and boastful bully, Flogg’s favorite weapon is his laser whip which he calls The Sidewinder. Flogg™ has a nasty temper and agreed to join Skeletor® as his humbled second in command in a secret bid to one day betray him and use Skeletor’s power to take command of the Horde Empire for his own!

Available: February
SKU: Masters of the Universe Classics Flogg Evil Leader of the Space Mattel-77213
Masters of the Universe Classics Flogg Evil Leader of the Space Mattel
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