TB League 1/6 Steam Punk Red Sonja Classic Version PL2019-140-A
Red Sonja - outlaw, mercenary, warrior and queen. After escaping her bloody origin, she hunted the wilderlands of Hyrkania, thieved the streets and palaces of Pah-Disha, sold her sword on battlefields from Koth to Aquilonia, and liberated countless mugs of ale from barrels throughout the Hyborean world. Red Sonja slew the king who tried to possess her and freed the world from the dark sourcey of Kulan Gathe. Forced to flee her homeland, she rode west across the Turanian Steppes and into the shadowed mists of legendry.
Packing List:
1) 1 x head sculpt
2) 1 x TBLeague 1/6 female seamless body with metal skeleton
3) 3 pairs x interchangeable gloved hands
4) 1 x bikini style battle top
5) 1 x top with puff sleeves
6) 1 x armor for upper body
7) 1 pair x arm bands
8) 1 x belt
9) 1 pair x high boots
10) 1 x axe
11) 1 x sword with sheath
12) 1 x pistol
13) 1 x holster
14) 1 pair x goggles
15) 1 pair x pants