TBLeague 1:6th Seamless Body Large Bust Size Suntan PL-LB2017-S21B
Members that we classify under 5th generation! New physique, strong legs but still feminine! The leg muscles are not in clods (the bulky way), but shows strength in a soft, smooth and streamlined way. Chances are that you have seen this body type already. It has been used for many of our best sellers, like Demon Huntress, Arhian the Head Huntess and Spartan Captain. You can see from the pics that the body has really large breasts, wasp waist, and the legs long, wellproportioned, strong but with graceful shape.
Note: their woman secret parts are not very realistic/detailed. Head sculpts are not included.
Part List:
1pc * seamless body (head sculpt not included)
6pcs/3 pairs * replaceable hands
4pcs/2 pairs * removable feet