Verycool 1/6 Female Assassin Series First Bomb "Catch Me" VCF-2033B
Product List:
-Emulational head sculpture
-VC3.0 busty female for the body(soft breast )
-Black tight briefs with body clothes
-Black Tight Pants
-Black removable leather martin Boots
-Cat Ears *2
-Elbow Protector *2
-Knee Pads *2
-Waist Gun Sleeve
-Leather Belt* 2
-Sundries Bag
-Triple Magazine Bag
-Multifunctional leg bag
-Leg hanging triple grenade bag
-Multifunctional legs hanging gun sleeve
-G17 pistol*2(DAM Provide)
-G17 pistol clips*4
-SIG MPX-K Sub-machine gun(DAM Provide)
-SIG MPX-K Sub-machine gun SIG Sight
-SIG MPX-K Sub-machine gun SIG CrossHair
-SIG MPX-K Sub-machine gun T1 Red dot
-SIG MPX-K Sub-machine gun 30R Mag*2
-SIG MPX-K Sub-machine gun BCM Guide handgrip
-Holding hand *2
-Hook gun hand*2
-Fist hand*2
-Natural hand *2