VH-60D Seahawk 1/48 Scale Model HV60TR by Toys & Models
"VH-60 Seahawk Sikorsky is a twin engine multimission maritime helicopter based and developed on the USAF's UH-60 Black Hawk. The VH-60's maiden flight was on 1974 and was introduced in 1979. The VH-60 is able to deploy aboard any air-capable frigate, destroyer, cruiser, fast combat support ship, amphibious assault ship or aircraft carrier, the Seahawk can handle antisubmarine warfare, undersea warfare, naval special warfare insertion, combat search and rescue, vertical replenishment and medical evacuation. Each VH-60 unit costs up to US$36 million. The primary users and operators of VH-60 are the United States Navy, United States Coast Guard and Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. Currently, VH-60 is still in production and still in active"
Scale: 1/48 scale model
Wing Span: 13.5
Length: 12