Alice: Madness Returns Vorpal Blade Replica by Epic Weapons
Product Summary
Sideshow Collectibles is proud to present the Vorpal Blade replica knife by Epic Weapons from the Electronic Arts video game release Alice: Madness Returns. This replica is cast with the highest quality Japanese stainless steel with custom etched molds created to reflect the exact details of Alice's primary weapon
Ten years later, Alice Madness Returns as she endeavors to learn the secret that haunts her. From the various realms of Wonderland, Alice seeks answers. Undaunted by the diseased ambiance and mortal danger that surround her, Alice must press forward to understand why.

stainless steel Price in US
stainless steel
Price in US Dollars
can you put more data? the
can you put more data?
the length, the materials it's made of?
I'm from Argentina, maybe I'm a ignorant, but this is in dollars? we have the same sign for our money...